Can't commit to a full workout regime or highly restrictive diet? You don't need to.

Health and wellness come not from a magic pill, diet, or program, but from gradually transforming your current lifestyle into a healthy one, day by day.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tip #62: Skip the White, and go for Whole Wheat

White bread, white noodles, white flour...if any of those are a major part of your regular diet, it's time to make the switcheroo.  Switching to whole wheat may sound like a drastic step, but it's important and worth your effort.  Even if you start switching some of your white flour foods to whole wheat, it can really make a difference in your health.

White flour is bleached, highly processed, and may leave you hungry, malnourished, and constipated!  It is made with only one part of of the seed, leaving out the very most nutritious parts, the embryo and the bran.  This means that when you consume white flour foods, you are missing out on a plethora of vitamins, minerals (and nutritional value overall) that you could be eating in the same amount of calories of whole wheat foods.  Consuming refined carbohydrates, like white flour foods, leads to energy crashes, feelings of lethargy, and weight gain.  Blah.  White flour foods are not prime fuels for your body.

This may be a big change for some of you, so start small if you need to.  When you make pasta, buy one box of white and one box of whole wheat, and mix them together.  When you make pancakes, muffins, cookies and breads, make them with 1/2 whole wheat and 1/2 white flour.  For your sandwich bread however, try to make the full switch to 100% Whole Wheat.  Look at the ingredients, because Whole Wheat flour must be the first ingredient.

This is a practical step you can make right away in your home that will affect you and your family in a most pleasant way.  Oh, and don't worry if it takes a while for your tastes buds to adjust, I'm still trying to sneak more and more whole wheat into my family's pancakes.  When I do it gradually, they don't seem to notice. ;)

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