Can't commit to a full workout regime or highly restrictive diet? You don't need to.

Health and wellness come not from a magic pill, diet, or program, but from gradually transforming your current lifestyle into a healthy one, day by day.

Why this blog?

Well...lots of reasons.

1. God is to be glorified in all we do, including the way we take care of our bodies.
2. Your body is temporary; yes. So why take the time and energy to take care of it? Because it is the vehicle for your soul.
3. 80% of diseases are PREVENTABLE.  Guess what is usually the preventer???  Exercise and eating healthy.
4. I have several friends and family members who ask me on a regular basis to help them lose weight, get in shape, and get healthy. I found e-mailing everyone quite exhausting, and thought it would be more efficient to simply point them to my blog.
5. Because when somebody asks me, "How can I get healthy/lose weight/get in shape?", I can't provide them with just one answer. Your health encompasses so many elements, that I hope to address in this blog.
6. Too many people go about health the wrong way. Most people who want to lose weight or get healthy, try to go on a restrictive diet that they cannot maintain. Or they get motivated and workout 5 days a week...and then get frustrated and give up. I want to offer people an alternative.
7. I want to help people go beyond going through a healthy phase. I want to help them make it the way they live.