Can't commit to a full workout regime or highly restrictive diet? You don't need to.

Health and wellness come not from a magic pill, diet, or program, but from gradually transforming your current lifestyle into a healthy one, day by day.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tip #41: You CAN fit in Fitness!

I have a friend who is a working mom, and has the desire to get "fit" but finds herself busy, overwhelmed and too tired to even think about exercising on a regular basis.  If you can relate to her even in the least bit, be CAN fit in fitness.

Don't be discouraged if you can't work out every day.  Few people can.  Life is busy for all of us.  Remember, SOMETHING IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN NOTHING (All or nothing attitude).  Fit in what you can, and slowly start making exercise a regular part of your busy week.

Challenge yourself to exercise 3 times per week.  For someone like my friend, she has more time on the weekend.  So, what I suggested to her, was to get in 2 of her exercise sessions on the weekend, and then she only has 1 workout to fit in during her busy work week!

Everyone's schedules are different, so here are some other ideas to fit in fitness this week:

-Take your walking/running shoes to work, and get a walk/run in during your lunch, if you have that freedom.
-Head to a gym right after work, before you give yourself a chance to talk yourself out of it! (Don't forget a snack)
-Do strength training exercises (arms, backside) during your favorite tv show, or at least during the commercials.
-If you have small children, push them in a stroller and take them on a walk or even a run if you're feeling really motivated!
-If you have older children, have the kids ride their bikes and try to get some exercise in during a family walk after dinner.
-Consider investing in a treadmill (or some other aerobic exercise equipment).  Before we had our 3rd child, we invested in a treadmill, and it is really where I am able to do most of my running.  I sneak in short runs during my kids' naps.  A treadmill is also great, because you can exercise when it's dark, cold, or bad weather.

You CAN fit in fitness.  

You can do this.  You have a choice in the matter; you have a choice about your health.  You don't have to stay where you are at.  Isn't that exciting?

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