Can't commit to a full workout regime or highly restrictive diet? You don't need to.

Health and wellness come not from a magic pill, diet, or program, but from gradually transforming your current lifestyle into a healthy one, day by day.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tip #1: Get rid of your "All or Nothing" mentality

When it comes to eating right and exercise, many of you have an "all or nothing" attitude. You're either going to join a gym and workout 5 days a week, or not at all. You're either going to buy all organic foods or just give up and live off of the dollar value menu. How this scenario usually pans out is this: you get sick of not fitting in your clothes and being out of shape, so you get super motivated and set really restrictive and high goals. You make it 3 days...and then you're back to normal life...frustrated and discouraged. The reason the "all or nothing" mindset doesn't prove to be successful is because the "all" is usually not realistic for the long run. Listen, any diet/workout routine that you cannot maintain long-term, is not going to work. Let me present you with an alternative.

Something is always better than nothing. Don't have time to workout everyday? Fine. Go on a walk or ride a bike, or do some kind of activity to get you moving when. you. can. That's several hundred calories you wouldn't have burned otherwise. And so maybe you're not Jillian Michaels, but if you continue to do even a little each week, over time that can make a big difference! This goes for the foods you eat too. Perhaps your pantry is currently filled with processed, sugary, foods...or maybe there is not much in your pantry at all, and you depend mostly on your local restaurants and fast food joints to fuel your body. Well, just start small. Choose one or two of the "junk" foods you regulary have around the house, and refuse to buy them for a week. Limit eating out to twice a week. Drink water for 1-2 meals a day instead of Coke or tea. You choose. The point is, SOMETHING IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN NOTHING. Just because you can't do everything you want to, doesn't mean you can't do anything at all. The little changes you make, WILL make a difference.

This blog will have something new for you every single day. A new change or tip to keep in mind. Don't just go through a healthy "phase", make it the way you live.


  1. Sara, this is SO true! I lived many years with the all or nothing attitude. And when I failed, I gave up. I can't tell myself I will never eat cake again cause I love me some cake. So now, if I want cake, I have some. And you know what-I eat less of it! I work out anywhere from 2-5 days a week. But you're right-it's better than 0 days a week. Cory J-

  2. Sara, this is exactly the conclusion I've reached in my own life! Thank you for doing this! So many times, we have the knowledge already, but need reminders, just like our daily quiet time and walk with God, and now today's fit tip :-) I did get up to 2 miles/day running but stopped in Sept due to time change/hunting season(gunshots on the dirt road where I ran :-)/plantar fasciitis, but I'm looking forward to getting back to it....and in the meantime I'm walking :-)

  3. Cory-keep up the great work, you are doing awesome! I am so impressed by you. And I feel you on the sweets--I definitely have a sweet tooth!

    Sylvia-great job! I didn't realize you were running, that's wonderful! This blog will help keep me on track too :) Thanks for visiting.

  4. Thanks, Sara! I'm always trying to get motivated and develop some stick-to-itness. I defintiely have that all or nothing attitude!
