Can't commit to a full workout regime or highly restrictive diet? You don't need to.

Health and wellness come not from a magic pill, diet, or program, but from gradually transforming your current lifestyle into a healthy one, day by day.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tip #2: Reintroduce yourself to Water

With all of those sugary, carbonated, delicious drinks out there, I believe many of you have forgotten your dear friend, water. And yes, water is your friend! Here's why...

Staying well hydrated prevents:

-migraines, headaches, back pain
-muscle cramps
-kidney problems
-dry skin

*Another important note about water is that it is absolutely necessary for fat loss. You NEED water to flush out the by-products of fat break down. One of the other beautiful things about water is that it has ZERO calories. Sometimes we may sit down to a meal and consume HUNDREDS (yes you read that correctly) of calories just from our beverages! You want to start feeling better and shedding some pounds? Pick up that water bottle.

I understand that it can be challenging to force yourself to drink water. I have lived in the south for over 13 years now, and I am a sucker for sweet tea! Here are some helpful tips to get you started drinking more water today.

1. Buy a reusable water bottle (or use one you that you already have) and take it with you everywhere.
2. Commit to drinking only water for at least one meal a day this week.
3. When you do enjoy a not-so-healthy drink, drink equal amounts of water.
4. Drink it cold! It just tastes better.

Many of you have just gotten into the unhealthy habit of not drinking water. And it's just that; a habit. It's what you are used to and you are too busy with life to even think about changing. But I want to urge you to get reacquainted today with a faithful old friend; H2O.

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