Can't commit to a full workout regime or highly restrictive diet? You don't need to.

Health and wellness come not from a magic pill, diet, or program, but from gradually transforming your current lifestyle into a healthy one, day by day.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

2013 Journey, Week 4: When You Win

Goals.  We all have them.  It's exhilarating to finish your first 5k, to lose those last 10 pounds, to be able to buy new clothes because your old ones are too loose.  But that's not when you win.  NOW is when you win.  The day it's 42 degrees outside, and you decide to bundle up and go out and run anyhow.  The time when you'd rather take a nap but hop on the treadmill instead.  The moment at that party when you opt for the celery sticks and carrots, instead of the fried appetizers....THAT my friend, is when you WIN.  You can't reach those goals, the 5k, the weight loss, the new clothes, without conquering the day to day drudgery of TODAY.  Sometimes it may feel like you aren't making any progress, but good health can often be a long road, and the choices you make each day count.  They really do.  Win today in the little things, so that you can eventually and finally reach those BIG goals.


Monday-4 miles, very slow and relaxed
Wednesday-3 miles on treadmill.  Intervals.  Warmed up, 2 minutes hard/1 minute relaxed. 22:48
Saturday-6 miles outside in the cold.

When it comes to longer runs, my tummy tends to be a bit sensitive.  Now that I'm slowly and gradually moving up to longer runs, I have to be more careful and intentional about what I eat before a run (my 6 mile run this week).  My stomach gets used to it, and after a couple of weeks I'll be able to tolerate even longer runs.  I must say, I am starting to really enjoy running's amazing what a little consistency can do!  I continue to take it day by day, winning those little victories.  Be encouraged, and keep up the good work!

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