Can't commit to a full workout regime or highly restrictive diet? You don't need to.

Health and wellness come not from a magic pill, diet, or program, but from gradually transforming your current lifestyle into a healthy one, day by day.

My Running Log

2013, Week 7:
Tuesday-5 miles on treadmill, 39:30
Wednesday-4 miles on treadmill, 30:12
Friday-3 miles on treadmill, 22:45
Saturday-8 miles outside, hilly roads/neighborhoods, 63:03

Miles this week: 20
Miles in 2013: 96

2013, Week 6:
Tuesday-3 miles
Thursday-4 miles
Saturday-8 miles

Miles this week: 15
Miles in 2013: 76

2013, Week 5:
Wednesday-3 miles
Thursday-4 miles
Saturday-7 miles

Miles this week: 14
Miles in 2013: 61

2013, Week 4:
Wednesday-3 miles, 22:48
Saturday-6 miles, 48min

Miles this week: 13
Miles in 2013: 47

2013, Week 3:
Wednesday-3 miles outside (big hills)
Thursday-3 miles on treadmill.  Started conservative, increased speed every 1/4 mile.  23:17
Saturday-6 miles on flat trail outside (with Joe).  7:30 pace per mile.  Felt pretty good!  Starting to feel more "fit".
Miles this week: 12
Miles in 2013: 34

2013, Week 2:
Wednesday-3 miles on treadmill
Thursday-3 miles outside (big hills)
Sunday-5 miles outside.  Very cold.  Very tired. 8:15 pace per mile

Miles this week: 11
Miles in 2013: 22

2013, Week 1:
Tuesday-3 miles on treadmill.  Started out conservative, gradually increased speed.  23:30
Thursday-3 miles on treadmill.  Just ran.  Wanted to stop the entire time.  Blah. 24 something...
Saturday-5 miles outside.  Ran out 2.5 miles, turned around and ran back.  Felt awful.  HARD work.  I'm not used to hills.  Felt about 800 lbs.  Ran about 8:30ish pace per mile. Around 43 min.
*Ha!  Real encouraging week, huh?  Things will get better... :)

Miles this week: 11
Miles in 2013: 11

distance: 4 miles
time: 30:35
course: treadmill
notes: I took 2 weeks off after 6 months of consistent and pretty intense (for my lifestyle) training. The break felt good, but it also feels great to be back running again! The run felt smooth and relaxed.
miles in 2011: 543

distance: Peachtree Road Race-10k! (6.2 mile race- @7 or so miles total)
time: 38:49 (6:14 pace per mile)
course: Peachtree Rd., Atlanta, GA
notes: My 1st 10k; race went great!
miles in 2011: 539

distance: 4 miles
time: 30 minutes
course: loop at a park with my Hubby
notes: It was hot!  Felt okay.
miles in 2011: 532
days until 10k: 3 days

distance: 6 miles
time: 43:50
course: treadmill
notes: Tempo: middle 3 miles @6:18 pace.
miles in 2011: 528
days until 10k: 4 days

distance: 5 miles
time: 38:30
course: treadmill
notes: felt AWFUL.  Stomach-blah.
miles in 2011: 522
days until 10k: 5 days

distance: 6 miles
time: 44:50
course: treadmill
notes: relaxed run
miles in 2011: 517
days until 10k: 7 days

distance: 8 miles
time: n/a--track workout
course: track
notes: 2,000 meter Step down: 2,000m.-7:37.20, 1600m.-6:02.7, 1200m.-4:24.98, 800m.-2:49.3, 400m.-75.07, 200m.-31.39, 200m.-31.53.  3 minutes rest in between each, except 4 minutes after the 1600m.
miles in 2011: 511
days until 10k: 9 days

distance: 6 miles
time: 46:29
course: treadmill
notes: relaxed run
miles in 2011: 503
days until 10k: 10 days

distance: 6 miles
time: 42:42
course: treadmill
notes: middle 3 @ 6:27 pace.
miles in 2011: 497
days until 10k: 11 days

distance: 8 miles
time: 58:20
course: treadmill
notes: started conservatively, gradually got faster.  Best I've felt in a while.
miles in 2011: 491
days until 10k: 14 days

distance: 5 miles
time: 38:20
course: treadmill
notes:  ran middle 2 miles @ 6:18 pace.
miles in 2011: 483
days until 10k: 16 days

distance: 8 miles
time: 63 minutes
course: 3 mile neighborhood loop (hilly); out 2.5 miles on road, and back.
notes: early A.M. run--hard to get going, but felt better toward the end.  Training for my first 10k road race ever!  
miles in 2011: 478
days until 10k: 17 days

distance: 5 miles
time: 37 minutes
course: Treadmill
notes: fighting a cough :(
miles in 2011: 470

distance: 6 miles
time: 43:38
course: Treadmill: middle 3 miles at 6:31 pace (19:33)
notes: felt good
miles in 2011: 465

distance: 9 miles
time: not sure of final pace but around 8:30 pace
course: neighborhoods
notes: felt slow (early A.M. run)
miles in 2011: 459

distance: 5 miles
time: 36:40
course:  Treadmill
notes: felt pretty good.
miles in 2011: 450

distance: 8 miles
time: 61:53
course:  Treadmill
notes: felt okay, but not great.
miles in 2011: 445

distance: 6 miles
time: 43:28
course:  Treadmill
notes: 6x800m. @6:15 pace, last 800m. @6:00 pace. 1 minute race in between each.
miles in 2011: 437

distance: 10 miles
time: I have no idea
course:  Trails in the Smoky Mountains
notes: Ran with my husband and brother-in-law.  Some major hills!
miles in 2011: 431

distance: 8 miles
time: 57:33
course:  treadmill
notes: finally feeling normal again
miles in 2011: 421

distance: 4 miles
time: 31 minutes
course:  treadmill
notes: Tired-blah.
miles in 2011: 413

distance: 8 miles
time: not sure
course:  to a friend's house and back
notes: felt tired and tight--probably from my track workout Saturday.
miles in 2011: 409

distance: 7 miles
time: n/a--Track workout
course:  A high school track
notes: 2000 meters: 7:28, 1600 meters: 5:58, 1200 meters: 4:25, 400 meters: 77.6 seconds, 200 meters: 29.8 seconds, 200 meters: 30.9 seconds.  3 minutes rest in between.
miles in 2011: 401

distance: 6 miles
time: 46 minutes
course: treadmill
notes: relaxed run.  Track workout tomorrow--1st one in about 8 years or so!
miles in 2011: 394

distance: 8 miles
time: 58:29
course: treadmill
notes: 6 mile tempo run in 42:09.  1 mile warm-up and cool down.
miles in 2011: 388

distance: 6 miles
time: 43:25
course: treadmill
notes: gradual increase run.  Start conservative @ 7:41 pace, got faster each mile.
miles in 2011: 380

distance: 6 miles
time: not sure?
course: treadmill
notes: gradual increase run.  Start conservative, get faster each mile.
miles in 2011: 374

distance: 10 miles
time: around 80 minutes
course: 3 mile neighborhood loop, plus out 3.5 miles and back.
notes: felt okay.  Hot.
miles in 2011: 368

distance: 6 miles
time: 42:46
course: treadmill
notes: 6x800meters @ 5:56 mile pace.  1st 3 with 1 min. rest, last 3 w/ 2 min. rest.  Warm up and Cool down.  Felt pretty good--got tough at the end!
miles in 2011: 358

distance: 5 miles
time: 35:34 (@7:07 pace)
course: treadmill
notes: Felt good.  Started comfortably.  Ran last 3 miles @ 6:53 pace.
miles in 2011: 352

distance: 4 miles total-including warm up (Ran a local 5k)
5k time: 18: 57 (6:05 pace)
course: Children's Home Campus
notes: Felt pretty good.  This 5k actually hurt worse than my 1/2 marathon a couple of weeks ago.  My body was used to running a slower, more comfortable pace.  I didn't have anyone to run with during the actual race, so I'm thinking that I can run a little faster with some competition.
miles in 2011: 347

distance: 6 miles
time: 43:03 (7:10 pace)
course: treadmill
notes: Started at 7:30 pace, and gradually got faster each mile.
miles in 2011: 343

distance: 5 miles
time: 35:16
course: treadmill
notes:  1 mile warm up, 6 x 400m (.25 mile), with 400m rest in between, 1 mile cool down.  Middle 3 miles done in 20:16.  The fast portions I did at 6 min pace, my rest was at 7:30 pace.  Running a 5k on Saturday to support local orphans--wanted to get my legs moving faster.  3.1 miles is quite a bit shorter (and faster!) than 13.1 miles.  :)
miles in 2011: 337

distance: 5 miles
time: 36:23
course: treadmill
notes:  Started at 7:30 pace, and got slightly faster each mile.  I enjoyed my week off, but it was good to be back running again.  Running consistently since December, I felt like I had a lot of pent up energy after taking a week off!
miles in 2011: 332

distance: Country Music 1/2 Marathon (13.1 miles)
time: 1:29.40 (6:51pace)
course: downtown Nashville
notes:  9th Woman finisher.  Felt good!  My awesome husband ran with me and paced and encouraged me, which really helped.  11 minute improvement from last year.  Still in shock.  All glory to God!
miles in 2011: 327

distance: 4 miles 
time: 30 min. (7:30 pace)
course: treadmill
notes:  Felt great!  My last several runs have been outside on hilly courses, so it felt good to run flat with no hills.  :)
miles in 2011: 314
days until 1/2 marathon!: 3

distance: 5 miles total
time: 38 minutes (middle 3 in 20:49)
course: neighborhood
notes:  3 mile tempo run.  1 mile warm up, 3 miles @ 6:56 pace, 1 mile cool down
miles in 2011: 310
days until 1/2 marathon!: 4

distance: 5 miles
time: 38:43
course: out and back on country road
notes:  stomach not feeling great
miles in 2011: 305
days until 1/2 marathon!: 5

distance: 10 miles
time: 80 minutes
course: out and back on country road
notes:  felt okay
miles in 2011: 300
days until 1/2 marathon!: 7

distance: 5 miles
time: 40 minutes
course: out and back on country road
notes:  felt good
miles in 2011: 290
days until 1/2 marathon!: 8

distance: 8 miles
time: not sure of total time.  Ran first 3 easy, then last 5 @ 7:24 pace.
course: neighborhood 3 mile loop.  Out 2.5 miles and back.
notes:  ran 1st 3 with my sister, felt good on last 5.
miles in 2011: 285
days until 1/2 marathon!: 9

distance: 5 miles
time: 38:14
course: treadmill
notes:  Started slowly and gradually got faster.  Felt a bit fatigued after Saturday's long run.
miles in 2011: 277
days until 1/2 marathon!: 12

distance: 13 miles
time: 1 hour 40 minutes (1st 6.5 miles in 52 min./ 2nd 6.5 miles in 48 min.)
course: outside 2/treadmill 1.5/outside 9.5
notes:  Weird run.  Ran 2 miles outside and got poured on.  Came in and ran 1.5 miles on treadmill.  Rain cleared up, so did the final 9.5 miles outside.  Ran last 6.5 miles @ 7:20 pace.  Felt pretty good.  Windy.
miles in 2011: 272
days until 1/2 marathon!: 14

distance: 5 miles
time: 40 min
course: treadmill
notes:  Relaxed run.  13 miler tomorrow...
miles in 2011: 259
days until 1/2 marathon!: 15

distance: 8 miles
time: 57:14
course: treadmill
notes:  Tempo workout.  mile 1: 8 min. pace (warm-up), miles 2-5: 7:03 pace, miles 6-8: 6:58 pace.  Felt like stopping the last couple of miles, but pressed on.  Easy run tomorrow.
miles in 2011: 254
days until 1/2 marathon!: 16

distance: 5 miles
time: 37:01
course: treadmill
notes:  started conservative and gradually got faster
miles in 2011: 246
days until 1/2 marathon!: 19

distance: 12 miles
time: 1 hour, 36 minutes (8 min. pace)
course: 3 mile loop, then 4.5 mile out-and-back
notes:   Felt dehydrated, hot and slow.  Not my favorite run ever!  Temp was 83--doesn't sound hot, but most of my runs have been in 60-70 degree weather, and I could tell the difference.  I didn't drink enough water to prepare.  I won't make that mistake again.
miles in 2011: 241
days until 1/2 marathon!: 22

distance: 5 miles
time: 37:15
course: treadmill
notes:   started slow, and gradually increased my pace each mile.
miles in 2011: 229
days until 1/2 marathon!: 23

distance: 8 miles
time: 57:11
course: treadmill
notes:  Tempo run.  1st mile @8 min pace to warm-up; middle 6 miles @7:03 pace; 8th mile @6:44 pace.  I ran the last mile faster then I was planning; my littlest woke up from her nap, and I heard her fussing through the monitor, so I had to ramp it up a bit.
miles in 2011: 224
days until 1/2 marathon!: 25

distance: 5 miles
time: 38:15
course: treadmill
notes:  A relaxed run.  Started slowly, and got very gradually faster each mile.
miles in 2011: 216

distance: 5 miles
time: 37:11
course: treadmill
notes:  A mild interval run.  Warm-up;5 x (1/2 mile @6:40 pace w/ 1/4 mile rest).  I did last 1/4 mile @6 min pace; Cool down.
miles in 2011: 211

distance: 4 miles
time: 29:33
course: treadmill
notes:  Pretty relaxed 4.  Interval workout coming up tomorrow.
miles in 2011: 206

distance: 7 miles
time: 52:15
course: treadmill
notes:  1st and 7th miles @ 7:47 pace.  Middle 5 @ 7:19 pace.  Felt tired.  Looking forward to a couple of lower mileage days, and then 3 days off!
miles in 2011: 202

distance: 11 miles
time: 86: 36 (7:49 pace)
course: outside-neighborhoods
notes: I usually do my long runs on Saturday, but with my kiddos being with their grandparents for 2 days, I took advantage of this sunny day.  Felt good.
miles in 2011: 195

distance: 10 miles
time: 77:02 (7:42 pace)
course: outside-neighborhoods
notes: felt good.  Lightly rained last 1.5 miles-not bad.
miles in 2011: 184

distance: 4 miles
time: 28:47
course: treadmill
notes: felt great today!
miles in 2011: 174

distance: 5 miles
time: 37:08
course: treadmill
notes: 1 mile warm up, 3 miles @ 7:03 mile pace (total 21:09), 1 mile cool down
miles in 2011: 170

distance: 3 miles
course: neighborhood loop
notes: pushed my younger 2 kiddos in the double stroller.  Felt like I was crawling up the hills.
miles in 2011: 165

distance: 2 miles
course: paved (and some unpaved) running paths at a park
notes: Met my friend at a local park and we pushed our kids in jogging strollers.  This was our first time there so we were just trying to find our way around.  She did a great job.
miles in 2011: 162

distance: 9 miles
time: 72 minutes, 5 seconds
course: small roads, neighborhoods (hilly)
notes: I was "scheduled" to run 5 miles yesterday, but took the day off b/c I had a scratchy throat and headache.  After 9 hours of sleep, lots of water and some Airborne, I felt much better today!  Run was great because it was a gorgeous day.  Felt good.  I can tell my endurance is improving.  Last mile was tough--almost all up hill.  
miles in 2011: 160

distance: 4 miles
time: 30:58
course: treadmill
notes: felt good
miles in 2011: 151

distance: 5 miles
time: 39:14
course: treadmill
notes: Felt tired.  I was up with my poor double ear-infected sweet little girl last night.  I actually felt much better after the run though!
miles in 2011: 147

distance: 9 miles
time: 72 minutes
course: hilly roads and neighborhoods
notes: felt slow and tired, but it was still great to be outside on a beautiful day
miles in 2011: 142

distance: 4 miles
time: 29:56
course: hilly road
notes: The run was okay.  I've certainly had better days.
miles in 2011: 133

distance: 5 miles
time: 38:58
course: treadmill
1st mile-warm up
middle 3-fartlek workout (5 (rest 2:30), 4 (rest 2), 3 (rest 1:30), 2 (rest 1), 1)...I ran 5 minutes up tempo than "rested" by running slower for 1/2 that time, and you can figure out the rest from above.  I ran the middle 3 miles this way in 21:45
5th mile-cool down
miles in 2011: 129

distance: 3 miles
time: 23:48
course: treadmill
notes: felt okay-a little fatigued from Saturday's long run
miles in 2011: 124

distance: 9 miles
time: 70:08
course: treadmill-it's been raining all day!
notes: you may think I'm crazy, but I actually enjoyed this run.  I put in Julie & Julia and got lost in the movie.  For the first 7 miles, I ran at "conversational" pace, and the last 2 I picked it up a bit because I felt good.
miles in 2011: 121

distance: 3 miles
time: 24 minutes
course: treadmill
notes:  ran 1.5, went and got my crying baby up from her nap, did 1.5 more while she had her snack
miles in 2011: 112

distance: 3 miles
time: I don't time runs that I do pushing a stroller
course: 3 mile loop around my neighborhood (hilly!)
notes: Tough run, but felt okay.  I pushed my 19 month old in a jogging stroller.  I consider these runs aerobic exercise and strength training!
miles in 2011: 109

distance: 6 miles
time: 46:45
course: treadmill
notes: Blah.  I ate too close to my run, and did not feel very good.
miles in 2011: 106


distance: 8 miles
time: 61 minutes
course: to a friend's house and back--OUTSIDE...yay!
notes:  good effort, but still relaxed
*My "long" runs are always on Saturdays.  Slowly building up for my 1/2 marathon in April.
miles in 2011: 100

distance: 3 miles
time: 21:29
course: treadmill
notes: started out easy and gradually got faster throughout the run.  Felt good.

Did some abs, butt exercises (see tip #15), and wall squats (see tip #3)

*My pace is dramatically faster than even about 6 weeks ago.  Consistency pays.
total miles in 2011: 92


distance: 4 miles
time: 30:12 
course: treadmill
*extra stretching around my knee, b/c it's bugging me a bit when I go up/down stairs

1st 1/2 mile-8 min pace (7.5 on treadmill) my warm up
1/2 mile-7:13 pace (8.3 on tm)
1/2 mile-7:47 pace (7.7 on tm)
1/2 mile-7:13 pace (8.3 on tm)
1/2 mile-7:47 pace (7.7 on tm)
1 mile-7:13 pace (8.3 on tm)
1/2 mile-7:47 pace (7.7 on tm) my cool down

*I'm currently training for my 2nd Half Marathon ever, at the end of April.  My exercise and/or running will look different at different times of the year.
total miles in 2011: 89

distance: 4 miles
time: 31 minutes
course: treadmill
notes: Started slowly and gradually got faster each mile.  Felt pretty good.
total miles in 2011: 85