I won my first race when I was 6 years old. My mom was a director of a kids' program, and my sister and I were 2 of the youngest. We were all outside and had a race. I won...and I beat the boys...even the older ones. I knew from a pretty young age that I had been given a gift. The gift of moving my wheels. Now, fast forward to my senior year of high school. By this time I had several school records, was one of the top 10 fastest high school 800 runners in the country, was that years' State Champion in my event, and had a full ride track scholarship to a Division I University. When I arrived at that college campus, track was life; everything else was just details. I ate, drank and breathed track. It consumed my thoughts and actions; it consumed me. It was my god. That was until I met the one true God.
In the fall of my junior year of college, a lady shared with me the gospel of Jesus Christ. How all humans (and yes, that included me) have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. How, no matter how hard I may try, imperfect me cannot reach a perfect God in my own efforts. That was the bad news. The good news was that God in His loving mercy, provided a way to reach Him. Through His son Jesus Christ. God is so perfect; so holy; so spotless; that He cannot even look upon sin, and requires a payment for sin. Jesus died on a cross and bore the wrath of God to pay for my sins, so that I don't have to. He then was buried, rose again, and appeared to many which proved that He was, and is God. This is a free gift to anyone who will accept it.
I started worshiping the one true God. The creator of the heavens and the earth. My old buddy, "track", was like filthy garbage now compared to the life giving God of the universe. I continued to run track and even became more successful in it! I finally had gotten things in perspective. Yes my health was important, but not to be worshiped, idolized, or made too much of. There is only One who deserves all worship.
One of the first verses of Scripture I memorized after becoming a follower of Christ was this, "for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come." 1Timothy 4:8
So yes, physical training is of some value, and it is important that we take care of the bodies we have been given. However, spiritual training; seeking God and following him, is of the utmost importance and holds value for ALL things. Keep things in perspective as you work toward a healthy lifestyle. Health is something, but it isn't everything.