Can't commit to a full workout regime or highly restrictive diet? You don't need to.

Health and wellness come not from a magic pill, diet, or program, but from gradually transforming your current lifestyle into a healthy one, day by day.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tip #84: Pregnancy Health: Exercise, And Why I Still Run

So you've taken the positive pregnancy test.  You've started making some lifestyle changes already...cutting back on caffeine, extra water, extra sleep (Tip #83: Pregnancy Health: Nutrition)...but have you thought about exercise?  If not, you should!  Both for baby's sake and yours.  There is an old school thought that pregnancy is a condition of frailty in which you must not exert yourself in any way or you will harm the baby!  Though there are precautions you should take, like not lifting heavy weight and not exercising to the point of exhaustion, the view that you are "frail" when pregnant is highly flawed.  I have seen the looks on some people's faces when I tell them I still run while I'm pregnant, and it is just because they have not educated themselves on the subject.  So, let me help educate you, so you can do what's best for you and baby!

-Don't exercise to the point of exhaustion.  Try keeping your heart rate at or below 160.  If you don't have a heart rate monitor, or if you don't like stopping during exercise every 5 minutes to take your heart rate, simply exercise at a pace that you are still able to talk, without gasping for air.
-If you ever feel dizzy, nauseous, or light-headed STOP exercising immediately and rest.
-If you ever have bleeding or contractions, STOP exercising immediately and call your physician.
-Make sure you are still eating enough (healthy) calories, when you are exercising regularly.
-Don't keep an exercise log.  Usually I'm a big supporter of keeping a running/exercise log, to keep track of your progress/pace/times, etc.  NOT DURING PREGNANCY.  This is not the time to try to "improve" or to be competitive in any way.  You are simply trying to keep moving and keep you and baby healthy for now, and the long run.
-If you were sedentary before pregnancy, feel free (and please do!) start walking regularly.  However, don't take on a new sport like tennis, running, or karate!  Pregnancy is not the time to try out a new sport; if you weren't active before, play it safe and stick to walking.
-If you were active before pregnancy (running/Zumba, etc.) feel free to continue on for as long as you are comfortable.  Just remember to not push yourself too much and to be able to maintain talking during exercise.
-Avoid exercises that require you to lie on your back after the 14th week of pregnancy.
-Wear supportive clothing.  You may consider purchasing a support belt to wear under your belly as you get larger, if it will make you more comfortable during exercise.
-Ease into exercise by warming up slowly, and then cool down slowly at the end.

-Moderate exercise actually helps ward off the feelings of "morning sickness" for some women.
-More energy!
-You feel better mentally and physically.
-Improves your sleeping.
-Reduces backaches, constipation, hemorrhoids, bloating and swelling.
-Return to pre-pregnancy form faster after delivery.
-Cope better with labor.
-Reduces the risk of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.

-Running twice a week (much shorter and slower then pre-pregnancy).  I may go to 3 times per week soon since my morning sickness is about gone...but I'm not making any promises.
-Strength training once a week (with no or little weight)
-Chasing my 6, 4 and 2 year old around!
-Walks with my family around the neighborhood.
**This is typical but not always!  There are certainly times when a nap trumps a run!!!  Listen to your body.

Whether you are pregnant or not, beginning a workout is always the hardest part.  But give it try, and you might just end up feeling better in the end!  Do it for you; do it for your baby.

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