Can't commit to a full workout regime or highly restrictive diet? You don't need to.

Health and wellness come not from a magic pill, diet, or program, but from gradually transforming your current lifestyle into a healthy one, day by day.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tip #74: Are You Really Hungry??

You're sitting in front of the T.V., and without hardly even realizing it, your hand continues to bring food to your mouth.  The question is, are you really hungry?  After all, isn't that primary purpose of eating?  I bring this up, because often times, eating is done with no real feelings of hunger.  This "habit" can lead to extra weight, obesity, feelings of sluggishness, and even food addiction.

Here are some reasons that people eat, other than hunger:

1.  Dehydration:  If you are not drinking enough water, you can mistake dehydration for hunger.  You may try to satisfy your need by eating, when really all your body needs is some water!
2.  Boredom:  Perhaps you need a new hobby.  If you find yourself needlessly eating, try taking up a new hobby to fill your time.  Hey, I hear running is fun!  ;)
3.  Stress/Depression:  Eating is also used as a coping device or comfort for some.  As you can imagine, this can become quite dangerous.  If this is you, try other methods of coping/stress relief...exercise, prayer, talking with a friend, etc.
4.  Socializing:  Socializing is a great thing, but be careful not to throw all of your common sense out the window just because you're at a party.
5.  Lifestyle/habit:  Were you one of those kids that had to "clean" their plate at every meal?  Overeating or eating when you're not hungry may be the way you grew up, and is what your body is used to.  Realize that it doesn't have to be that way.  Train yourself to eat when your hungry, but to not feel obligated to "clean" your plate.

If you find yourself wondering if you are really hungry, ask yourself this:  "Does a big bowl of grilled chicken and broccoli (or some other healthy food) sounds good to you?"  If it does, you're most likely genuinely hungry!  If not, you might want to take a good look at your motivations and habits in eating.  Is it wrong to ever eat when you're not super hungry?  Well no!  You need to keep in mind that eating is also to be enjoyed--that's why food tastes so good.  But, if overeating/eating when you're not hungry, is habitual in your life and tends to rule over you, then you may want to take an honest look at it.  After all, at that point, abusing food isn't the real problem, just a symptom of something else going on in your heart and life.  Even the best food in the world cannot satisfy a starving soul.  Jesus Christ offers "food" that truly satisfies.  Seek Him, and you'll see.

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