Can't commit to a full workout regime or highly restrictive diet? You don't need to.

Health and wellness come not from a magic pill, diet, or program, but from gradually transforming your current lifestyle into a healthy one, day by day.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tip #65: Health feeds Health

In a recent conversation with my mom, I was explaining to her how I've unintentionally lost a few pounds since late December when I started training for my 1/2 marathon.  At first I found myself explaining to her that I've kept my eating the same, I just run more now.  But as I was talking through it, I realized that actually, no, my eating is not the same as it was 4 months ago!  The funny thing is that I hadn't even realized it.  I never intentionally went out of my way to try to eat healthier, and actually had no goal of losing any weight, while training for this 1/2 marathon.  It happened because Health feeds Health!

1. When you are physically active on a regular basis, your body naturally starts craving the food and nutrients that it needs.  "Junk" food actually becomes less appealing.  After a good workout, donuts, fried foods and Coke sound absolutely disgusting to me.  Instead I grab a Gatorade, apple, or granola bar.  It's as if my body knows it needs healthy choices to refuel; it tells my brain, and I respond.  It's quite a fabulous cycle.  When you are physically active, eating healthy becomes much easier.  Instead of a burden, it becomes more of a pleasure, and a choice you make because you want to, not because you "have" to.

2. Exercise alters your perspective on eating.  As you engage in physical activity on a regular basis, and reap its benefits, it will only motivate you to eat healthier too!  Fitting into your old clothes, having more energy and less stress, can really be great motivators!  On the contrary, when you choose to remain inactive, "junk" food sounds fantastic and seems to fit your lifestyle just fine.

3. When you are physically active, you experience the consequences of bad food.  Sure, you can eat greasy french fries and a big bowl of ice cream before a run or exercise session, but you're going to pay for it!  One session full of stomach cramps, low energy and dehydration, and you'll probably think twice about what you eat before your next workout.

Your health is kind of a package deal.  What package will you choose?

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