Can't commit to a full workout regime or highly restrictive diet? You don't need to.

Health and wellness come not from a magic pill, diet, or program, but from gradually transforming your current lifestyle into a healthy one, day by day.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tip #59: Don't Compartmentalize your Health

Faith.  Family.  Home.  Work.  Health.  Friends.  Fun.  Recreation.  Hobbies.  Helping Others.  Sometimes, this is how we think of the "categories" of our lives.  But this way of thinking is faulty.  The categories of your life cannot be separated; for even if you try, they all seep into one another.  This holds true for your health.

Trying to segment your health as a separate entity, typically leads to...neglecting it.  Either neglecting it, or getting burned out on trying to work on it.  You must realize that your health affects and is affected by, most everything else in your life.  Your energy levels, your depression, your sicknesses and diseases, your ability to do normal daily tasks, your ability to care for those you love, the way you spend your money and many things affect and are affected by the way you care for your self.  How in the world can we try to separate it from the rest of our life?  We can't.

Making healthy food choices and being active is NOT just for personal trainers, athletes, and health nuts!  It's important for you, and it's important for me.  Why?  Because it matters.  It affects you, your life, and everyone around you.

Some of my readers may get fed up with these impractical posts, but many of you struggle with living a healthy lifestyle because you don't think it's worth it.  Or perhaps you think that taking care of yourself is merely a surface level issue, and I'm here to remind you that it's not.

You don't have to be extreme by going on a major diet, and hitting the gym every day.  Simply start with, caring.  Caring about what you put in your mouth, and what you do with your body.  That's a major step in the right direction.  Hey, and if you're feeling really motivated, you can join me every day on this blog and follow the tips to gradually transform your lifestyle into a healthy one.  That's what I'm here for.

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