Can't commit to a full workout regime or highly restrictive diet? You don't need to.

Health and wellness come not from a magic pill, diet, or program, but from gradually transforming your current lifestyle into a healthy one, day by day.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tip #30: Eat your food in order

One of the most important things you need to make sure you are including in your regular daily diet is an adequate amount of fruits and veggies (Tip #23: Take the Fruit and Veggie Challenge).  The next thing you need to do is make sure they make it from your plate, into your mouth!  Sometimes you get the fruits or veggies on your plate, but you fill up so much on the other items in your meal, that you only end up ingesting 1 or 2 broccoli bites.  You need more than that!  Your health, wellness, and energy depend on it.

So...when you sit down to a meal, eat your foods in order.  Eat your veggies and/or fruits FIRST.  Then enjoy the rest of the meal.  This way you'll get the nutritious fruits and veggies that your body needs, and you won't eat as much of the other foods.  As a result you'll still be full and satisfied at the end of your meal, just with a healthier distribution of foods.  If you aren't up for doing this at every meal, at least try it once a day or once in a while.  These little things make a difference!

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