Can't commit to a full workout regime or highly restrictive diet? You don't need to.

Health and wellness come not from a magic pill, diet, or program, but from gradually transforming your current lifestyle into a healthy one, day by day.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tip #26: Write it down

Most of you can get motivated enough to start exercising.  It's the sticking with it, that brings you troubles.  One tool that you may find helpful, is a training log.  Something about writing down what you've done brings some sort of accomplishment and accountability.  It's funny, I actually look forward to pulling out my running log after a run and adding the details of another workout.

 If you run or walk for exercise, you may want to include details such as the distance, time, course, weather, how you felt, etc.  If your workouts look different, record the zumba class, wii fit, P90X, swim, biking or whatever other workout you've done.  Being able to go back and see the progress you've made over time, can show you that your efforts are not futile, and that your body is responding well to the work you are making it do.

You can get a running/training log at a sporting goods store or a running specialty store.  Or if you want to save some money, just pay a few cents for a spiral notebook to jot down your workouts.

If you'd like to see an example of a training log, there is now a tab below the blog's title that has my personal training log that I'll be recording in.

Some people like to keep a food log; that's just not for me.  There are too many meals in a week to record, while there are only 3-5 workouts in a week to record.  Writing down every bite of food that I eat in a day, makes me think about food too much quite frankly.  But if that is helpful for you until you get this eating healthy thing down, then go for it.

Record your journey.  Hopefully you'll be able to look back at it a month from now...6 months from now...a year from now, with great thankfulness.

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