Can't commit to a full workout regime or highly restrictive diet? You don't need to.

Health and wellness come not from a magic pill, diet, or program, but from gradually transforming your current lifestyle into a healthy one, day by day.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tip #25: WHOSE do you think you are???

We are ALL made in the image of God.  That makes every single person of great value.  That makes you of value.  That makes your body of value.

At one point in my life I actually thought that my body was mine, all mine.  I could do what I wished with it, and put into it what I pleased.  That dramatically changed when I got pregnant with our first child.  The day the pregnancy test was positive my husband and I bought a water filter, because suddenly we were very attuned to what would be entering my body.  I immediately started researching online the foods that were best for me to eat, and what foods to avoid as a pregnant woman.  If having a baby in my body made me aware and concerned about my health, how much more should I care, knowing that the Holy Spirit is in my body? For Christians, along with being made in the image of God, the Bible teaches that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.  He dwells within us.  Wow.

 "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?  You are not your own, for you were bought with a price.  So glorify God in your body."
1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Exercising and eating healthy often get reduced to a superficial thing done only to look good or to boost self-esteem.  There is so much more to it.  Whether you are a Christ follower or not, you are not your own.  You must stop treating your body and your health as if they somehow only belong to you.  This means that laziness and indifference must die, so that God may be glorified in you.  Your body is not a garbage can; it is a temple.  Which are you treating it as?

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