If you've read the National news lately you know that the tornadoes that hit the South have killed at least 290 people. 290 people! People who two days ago were living their normal lives, with hopes and plans for a future; and certainly with no intentions of taking their last breaths on Wednesday, April 27th, 2011. Why am I bringing this up? Perspective and priorities. Physical training, health and fitness, are important, but they are not everything. Without spiritual health, your physical health is in vain.
So, what is spiritual health? Does it mean being spiritual? Religious? One with the universe? Having perfect church attendance? Being perfect? Not quite. There's someone named Jesus. The Jesus of the Bible. He lived a sinless life, performed miracles, claimed to be God and told his friends He would die and then rise again, and then got tortured and died on a cross...and rose again. There were over 500 eyewitnesses. Jesus requires a response from everyone. Atheists, Buddhists, Church-goers, feminists, pastors, prisoners, political leaders, terrorists...everyone. He requires a response from everyone because He claimed to be God (quite a claim!), and then proved that He was. You either have to accept Him or reject Him. There's no room for indifference. You'd be a fool to conclude that Jesus was just a prophet or good teacher, and not God, because He claimed to be God. That would simply make him a crazy man.
Spiritual health is recognizing that you mess up; you're not perfect. Spiritual health is recognizing that there is a Creator of this universe; a God who is perfect, and has chosen to reveal himself to us through Jesus. Spiritual health is realizing that an imperfect person trying to reach a perfect God, poses a problem. Spiritual Health is taking the time to read the Bible to see that the reason Jesus had to die was because He loves you. God is perfectly holy and cannot tolerate sin; sin must be paid for. Because He loves us so much, he sent Jesus to pay the penalty for our sin, so if we trust in Him, we won't have to. Continued spiritual health, means living in beautiful fellowship with your creator, enjoying the forgiveness, power and freedom He gives. It means giving Him your sin, and accepting His righteousness. Sounds like a deal too good to pass up, to me.
As much as I love running, helping others get healthy, and pursuing health myself, all of that is but garbage, in comparison to the freedom, peace and LIFE I have in Jesus Christ.
If you are putting any effort into your physical health whatsoever, please also take the time to look at your soul. Take a look at Jesus. What will you do with him? He offers love and forgiveness, and He's much too important to ignore.