Can't commit to a full workout regime or highly restrictive diet? You don't need to.

Health and wellness come not from a magic pill, diet, or program, but from gradually transforming your current lifestyle into a healthy one, day by day.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Tip #79: Turn around your Tastebuds

Some of you can't eat many vegetables.  Let me rephrase that...some of you won't eat many vegetables, or other healthy foods for that matter.  Now, let's take a real honest look at why.  The hard truth is this: you have overstimulated your taste buds!  Do you know what happens when children watch T.V. and play video games ALL day?  They get bored very easily, and are not content playing outside or reading a book.  It is because they have overstimulated their mind.  You do the same type thing to your taste buds when all you give them are highly sugared, high fat foods all of the time.  They are no longer content with the healthy, simple and pure foods that your body needs.

Another problem with your over-stimulated taste buds might be that you are eating too much.  Have you ever gotten to the point of being super hungry, and when you finally got to eat, you said something along the lines of, "this is the best thing I've ever tasted!".  That's because you actually gave yourself a chance to get hungry.  Every good chef knows to serve their food to a hungry group--the food always tastes better.  If you allow yourself to get hungry once in a while, that carrot or apple is going to taste even more delicious!

So how can you retrain your taste buds so they won't get "bored"?

1.  Allow yourself to get hungry sometimes.
2.  Make sugary and high fat treats...treats, not the norm.
3.  Choose a food/drink in your regular diet to take a little "break" from and see how you do.  Show yourself that you really can live without it!  One time in college I didn't drink a Coke for several months because I was training for a big track meet.  After the meet was over, I was so excited to go to dinner and get one.  It was quite a disappointment.  It tasted so sugary and strong that I didn't even enjoy it.

You CAN train your body and your taste buds to live without those junky foods that you think you need...or at least some of them.  ;)

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